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Pathways- Adult Faith Development Course

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13 Sep 2015 until 3 Oct 2015
12:00 am

Have you ever thought about exploring your faith…..or wished that you could broaden your understanding of your faith ….. Found yourself longing to search for some kind of deeper meaning in life? … Perhaps you are feeling challenged by questions your children or grandchildren are asking about God and the meaning of faith for which you feel you have ‘no answers’ …perhaps you are feeling challenged by all that is happening in Ireland and in the Church right now. If so, Pathways may be the course for you.


Pathways is a two-year, one day a month, course for adults who wish to explore their faith. It runs from October to June each year. There are no exams and no written work. The only requirement is an openness to listen to others and to participate. You can just come along and enjoy! Each day consists of input from excellent and engaging speakers and the opportunitiy for discussion.

The cost is €250 for the coming academic year. Booking is now open. The programme begins this year in Gallagher’s Hotel on Saturday the 3rd October 2015 (10:00a.m-4:30p.m).


For more information please visit the diocesan webpage: www.raphoediocese

Tel: +353 (74) 9121853 or email me at: gdohertyraphoediocese@gmail.com or write to:

Gráinne Doherty, Director for Pastoral Development, Raphoe Diocese, Pastoral Centre, Monastery Ave; Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.